Covid-19 has thrown us a curveball. Suddenly, more people are working from home because of this virus and the fear of spreading it. This new "workplace" can be a challenge for both an employee not used to doing their work from home and the manager who doesn't have experience managing from afar. With …
What Gets Measured Gets Managed
Numbers are significant in business management because they tell the whole story. They allow a business's leadership to measure, manage, and improve their position. Seeing the numbers in business creates clarity, commitment, and competition among team members. There are four areas of business you …
Build Trust in your Business Online
People do business with people that they know, like, and trust. You know that. What most companies don't know is how to build trust in your business online and gain that trust with potential customers. Building Client Relationships through Social Media No longer do we live in the age of door-to …